Part 1: Résumé

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In this part, an XML version of my resume is created. The requirements are:

1. Write the resume in XML including at least three sections: my general information, education background, and work experience.

2. Create a schema for resume.xml;

3. Write an XSLT for it, which allows the resume to be rendered on a web browser.

Analysis & Design

The XML file for the resume was created using "resume" as the root tag. Inside the tag, other tags were included to store some classic content in a resume: contact information, education background, and work experience. In the resume.xsl, I also include an embedded CSS inside the translated HTML to make the page stylish and have a similar look as the other parts (webs, projects) in the assignment. The resume.xsd was created for validating the content and structure of the resume XML.

On the website, the resume is presented inside the body of the HTML where you can view all details by scrolling up and down depending on your device's height. Almost all information (excluding decorating texts like "reference available upon requests") are retrieved from resume.xml using XPath etc. in resume.xsl. With the valid XSLT, the resume can be successfully rendered on web browsers.

Setup Guide

Displaying styled XML is not as easy as for HTML, a Server (e.g., Apache) is required to host the files on a web browser to view XML with style: Following the instructions given by the Server to view the resume on a web browser at a localhost. For Apache specifically, copy the three files (resume.xml, resume.xsd, and resume.xsl) or the folder to the htdocs directory on your computer. Then, you can find the files and styled XML page by visiting http://localhost/ on a browser. You can access the resume by clicking the link on the navigation bar at the top, or the link at the beginning of the section.


All three files are linked to each other, make sure them are in a same directory to work properly.

Part 2:

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Part 2 asked to create a web application applying skills integrated with all web techs that have been introduced so far: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML, and Ajax. The web APP should cover contents in the first three units of this course to help other learners. After each unit, a quiz is available for learners to test their command of contents, which can be accessible right after the tutorial or through the navigation menu, buttons. Other requirements are:

1. Web-based System with a name, banner, navigation menu, and buttons. It should begin with a welcome page to greet the users and explain what the website does, what the users can get here, and instruction to proceed.

2. Must have 3 pages of tutorials, accessible through navigation menu or buttons. The tutorials should be useful.

3. The tutorial on HTML5 should contain at least 5 page-structure elements and 6 input new input types.

4. The quiz should be capable to grade the quiz once the submission button is clicked. The correct answers and percentage grade will be shown to the user after that.

5. Quiz system should be designed to be highly maintainable. Meaning that the questions can be easily edited, added, or deleted; and new quiz can be easily created.

6. Must create the web system with technologies covered from unit 1 to unit 3 (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, XML and Ajax).

7. External stylesheets should be used to retain a consistent and user-friendly interface for the system.

8. Do NOT use HTML5 table element for displaying information other than tabular information.

Analysis & Design

As the main purpose of the website is to provide a study source. This website is a dedicated learning site for introduction-level web technologies. The content includes: Web, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScrip, XML, & Ajax, and is divided into three units. There is a cover page for greeting the users and a guild to inform them what the website is, and what they can learn from this website. The links to the tutorial materials are given in the cover page. The cover page is designed in a simple manner for better visual experience. The banner "Instruction to Web Tech" and slogan "First Step to be a Web Developer" are shown there for informing the user the purpose of the website. The links are presented in a straightforward approach as you can see. Hovering your mouse on the slogan area, you will notice the appearance of the welcome block displayed on the bottom of screen.

In the tutorial pages, three buttons are provided for convenience. A menu is also available to access each tutorial and corresponding quizzes directly. Questions in each quiz are stored in an XML file so that they can be edited, added, removed easily. New quizzes can be created by creating a new XML with the same structure. There are two question types in the quizzes: Multiple Choices (MCs) and Multiple Answers (MAs). You need to choose the best answer of an MC and all correct answers of an MA to score. Each quiz contain 8 questions and 1 MarK is assigned to each question.

Once a leaner clicks the submission button. The quiz will be graded and an alert box will show up to tell them the grade they get, both correct numbers and a percentage grade. Close the alert box, the grade is displayed at the top of quiz and correct answers for each question is displayed immediately after each question. The quizzes are accessible after the tutorial and in the menu page using the links.

Setup Guide

Click any link provides in this document for Part 2 to access the Web Learning System. Users will be directed to the system in a new tab. You can follow the previous section as an instruction to use. Tutorial Notes and Quizzes are available for users.


I used a free image from taken by Joshua Profitt. The image is free-to-use under the unsplash licence. link

Part 3: Slideshow

Direct to Part 3: Slideshow


Part 3 is a slideshow based on HTML5 Canvas. The requirements are listed below:

1. The slideshow should be drawn on the canvas.

2. There should be a caption for each image in the show.

3. There should be a button to start/stop the show.

4. There should be a control to toggle the show between random and sequential.

5. There should be buttons to manually turn the show backward or forward, only if the show is in sequential mode.

6. There should be a dropdown list for users to select a transition/transformation effect from at least three different transition/transformation effects.

7. Json array should be used to store image data for better maintainability of the images and captions.

8. To avoid copyright issues, you should use the images/photos you took. At least 20 images required.

Analysis & Design

The website is a showcase of my photographic and art work. I tried to design the page in a minimalistic way and make it compatible to other parts of the assignment. The website is a HTML5 canvas based slideshow which display 20 photographic work of mine in four different transition styles: plain, blur, fade in, and grayscale. There is a button for enabling/disabling autoplay under the canvas. At two sides of it, there are two buttons for manually move forward or backwards only in sequential mode. Sequential mode means the images are displayed in a fixed order; randomized order can be enabled by clicking the corresponding toggle button in side menu. (Will Introduce Later.)

The four transition modes make the slideshow more dynamic. The Plain mode has no specific effect at all compared with others; the Blur mode display the blurry image first, and it will turn to clear gradually; Grayscale mode shows a B&W image first and let it becoming colorful; Fade in mode is the classic one that makes an image appear in the canvas gradually. All transitions are created by controlling the canvas properties such as opacity for "fade in", and grayscale for "grayscale mode". I defined two JS functions to perform the procedure, one for increasing property (opacity: 0-opaque, 1-not opaque), and another for decreasing properties such as filter blur, grayscale properties (from a larger value to 0 to display the image clear). Intervals and animation frames are used for autoplay and transition effects.

I meant to make the UI clear and simple, so I hide other toggle buttons, select list in a hidden side menu. The menu is hidden by default and will be displayed once you hover your mouse over the "menu" label on the left side of the canvas. Leaving the side menu and label area hides the side menu automatically. This process is smoothly designed with css animation added. Also I hide the caption by default; hover your mouse on the canvas area to see it!

Setup Guide

Links to the websites are available under the title of the section and in the navigation bar. Please refer to the previous description as additional instruction guide. The cover page inform you this is a slideshow, click to enter the slideshow.


For the slideshow, I used only my original work. However, human memory is not 100% reliable. If I include any image that is not mine by accident, I do NOT intend to do that; I will definitely remove it if there is any, and apologise sincerely. (Most likely, ALL images are mine. Just In Case.) :)


Filter property of HTML5 Canvas is not supported by Safari.

Part 4: Toolkits

Direct to Part 4: Toolkits


Part 4 requires to create a web application that provides users the following utility tools: Measurement Convertors (Length, Weight, Area, Volume); a mortgage calculator; A utility tool that you think could be useful. Justify why it is useful. Other technical requirements include:

1. The system should have an integrated and user-friendly interface for user to access every tool.

2. JavaScript functions and built-in objects should be utilised to implement the system.

3. At any time, only one tool can be shown.

4. Ajax should be applied to eliminate whole page update when switching from one utility tool to another.

5. Event handler should be in place to perform calculations and print the results as soon as the user has given enough input to the system.

Analysis & Design

The website contains a utility tool collection for everyone's convenience: a Unit Convertor for measurements: Length, Weight, Area, and Volume; A mortgage calculator for standard fixed rate mortgage; and a BMI chosen by me as the third tool. BMI, shorten for Body Mass Index, is an indicator of .

This website uses ajax technologies to prevent whole page update when users switch between tools. The navigation menu and greeting page provide fast access to each tool in the web application. Functions in scripts like checkTextFieldValid(), and checkSelectValid() check the completion and validity of the input in the form: all selects have been made, all text fields are filled with a numerical value. I defined some "form elements" in the HTML using classes; a click event listener is attached to those elements to start the routine to check if all inputs were in place and begin calculation process. The algorithms for each tool are explained as follows:


Algorithm for Measurement Convertors

If the user choose to convert the first option in a select list, it is converted to other units directly by computing. If the original unit is not the first option and for reducing redundancy in conversion between any two units, the chosen unit is first converted to the first-option unit in the list and then converted to the user chosen unit for conversion. For example, the first option in Length is kilometers; Km can be converted to any other length measurement directly by the switch case statement. Other units, such as meter or centimeter will be converted to Km first and then be converted to the chosen result unit. The unit conversions is referenced at:

Algorithm for Mortgage Calculation

The standard fixed rate mortgage is calculated here. It asks users to input the loan amount(w/o down payment), down payment, interest rate, and number of months. Once all inputs are filed and validated, the monthly, biweekly or weekly payment will be calculated using formula given in this website. The payment frequency is referenced and explained here.

Algorithm for BMI

BMI calculation is given by BMI = Mass/(height^2), which is recommended for people over 2 years old. The form asks the user's age for this purpose. The BMI assessment for adults are given by the CDC. Assessment in this application is given based on the candidate's age and result BMI.

Setup Guide

Links to the websites are available under the title of the section and in the navigation bar. You can choose any tool by click the buttons on the main screen and in the navigation bar. Partial update will be made when a tool is selected. Every tool has been automated, meaning that once you have all valid input, the results will be printed automatically; if you update your data, the results will be updated as well.

Filling all inputs means all selects have a valid selection and all text fields are filled with numerical values and are NOT focused. If your input is done but the text field is focused, click anywhere blank outside the input box to proceed.


The assessment of BMI is based on CDC document and is not applicable for children under 2 years old. Therefore, it is for reference only and any conclusion made by the tool should not be taken as medical advice. Thank you.